Sunday, November 30, 2014

My Bike Got Stolen. It Was the Best Thing.

I remember the turning point in my life. This is maybe the most important thing that has ever happened to me. 

When I was seven I left my bicycle out in the front yard and it got stolen. Yes, this is the most important thing that happened to me. One might think that I was a victim, that I was wronged. My parents should go out and buy me a new one right? Nope. They told me that I was irresponsible, that I didn't not take care of the things that were given to me. Since I left it outside and it was stolen then it was my fault for leaving it out there. They were not going to buy me a new one. I had to. 

Ok no problem, I'll just save my allowance. No again. I didn't get an allowance when I was growing up. I had to go out and make money. I needed a job. But wait. I was 7 years old!!! I couldn't even get a job at McDonald's. So did I sit around and cry and whine and get my parents to buy me a new one? No I went out and raked the leaves in my neighborhood. I cleaned people's bathrooms and kitchens. I went out and made me some money. 

I remember I had saved up $67. My dad was so impressed. He told me that I should be able to pay for half the bike with that money. He would pay the other half and I would pay him back. We went to Toys R Us and I remember I found a bike on sale and it came out to $66 and some change. I didn't need to borrow from my dad. I did it on my own. 

This started something in me. I started making money doing odd jobs, selling things at a lemonade stand, cleaning people's houses, working in people's yards, I even made scrunchies. I sold them to a local hair salon. 

So here I am now a grown up. I love making money on my own still. I am still an entrepreneur. I am working on two businesses. A creative real estate business and as a health and fitness consultant. 

Not only do I enjoy making money for myself but I like helping people make their lives better. I want to see people succeed in their healthy, to be healthy and not get sick; I like to help people in their finances. I know how important budgets are. They are not restrictive but freeing. 

This is the reason I have aligned with Team BeachBody. They help people with their health, fitness and finances. It represents everything I find important in life. 

I am excited about this. If you are interested in joining me, wether you want help in your health and fitness or you want to build your own business please leave a comment and let me know. I can help.  

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