Sunday, November 30, 2014

My Bike Got Stolen. It Was the Best Thing.

I remember the turning point in my life. This is maybe the most important thing that has ever happened to me. 

When I was seven I left my bicycle out in the front yard and it got stolen. Yes, this is the most important thing that happened to me. One might think that I was a victim, that I was wronged. My parents should go out and buy me a new one right? Nope. They told me that I was irresponsible, that I didn't not take care of the things that were given to me. Since I left it outside and it was stolen then it was my fault for leaving it out there. They were not going to buy me a new one. I had to. 

Ok no problem, I'll just save my allowance. No again. I didn't get an allowance when I was growing up. I had to go out and make money. I needed a job. But wait. I was 7 years old!!! I couldn't even get a job at McDonald's. So did I sit around and cry and whine and get my parents to buy me a new one? No I went out and raked the leaves in my neighborhood. I cleaned people's bathrooms and kitchens. I went out and made me some money. 

I remember I had saved up $67. My dad was so impressed. He told me that I should be able to pay for half the bike with that money. He would pay the other half and I would pay him back. We went to Toys R Us and I remember I found a bike on sale and it came out to $66 and some change. I didn't need to borrow from my dad. I did it on my own. 

This started something in me. I started making money doing odd jobs, selling things at a lemonade stand, cleaning people's houses, working in people's yards, I even made scrunchies. I sold them to a local hair salon. 

So here I am now a grown up. I love making money on my own still. I am still an entrepreneur. I am working on two businesses. A creative real estate business and as a health and fitness consultant. 

Not only do I enjoy making money for myself but I like helping people make their lives better. I want to see people succeed in their healthy, to be healthy and not get sick; I like to help people in their finances. I know how important budgets are. They are not restrictive but freeing. 

This is the reason I have aligned with Team BeachBody. They help people with their health, fitness and finances. It represents everything I find important in life. 

I am excited about this. If you are interested in joining me, wether you want help in your health and fitness or you want to build your own business please leave a comment and let me know. I can help.  

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I'm BaAack!!!

I haven't posted on this blog in a very long time. A lot of things have changed since my last post. 

I traveled a bit to NYC, Hawaii, California  and all the way across the country and have settled for the time being in Kentucky.

It is beautiful here in Lexington. The rolling green hills, gorgeous trees and an array of flowers are everywhere. 

After 3 months of living here, Aleks and I both got full time jobs and 3 months later we were able to buy our first house. It is a duplex and we are working on getting our second one. 

We are very excited about where our lives have taken us and where it is going. 

I am working on building two businesses so that I can have the freedom to live the life I want. I would like to be able to travel, join a band, play roller derby and tend my garden. These activities are hard to do when you work 40-50 hours a week and only get 2 weeks off a year. 

One business is a creative real estate business and the other is as a health & business consultant through BeachBody. 

I intend to post more often in this blog. If you would like to receive emails with the blog posts please Follow by Email below, you can also follow me on Instagram @whips55 or